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Rush Software began in 1987 to meet the needs of an emerging computer market in Australian schools. While teaching Computing Studies, Information Technology and Computer Programming I found the need for a number of programs over the years but Crossword Wizard has been the most enduring cross-curricula program and remains our number one seller.

Our programs are:

  1. Tools to assist educators in their work

  2. For students to supplement a wide variety of curriculum areas for K-12

  3. Supporting curriculum objectives

We recognize educators’ needs for curriculum materials to support the total integration of technology into their courses. We have been committed to providing a variety of materials which will assist teachers to use computers in a creative environment for many years.

A Little History - Our past programs include Motorised Markbook PC (NSW Board Of Studies), Find-a-Word Wizard, Cloze Wizard, Maths Wizard, Tradewind Travellers, Simon Says at the Zoo, Simon Says at the Beach, Simon Says Around Australia, Endless Stories, The First Fleet Database, Kids Paint I/II, Search For Sanchez, Milky Way Cafe, Board Game Construction Kit, Merit Maker, Galactic Quiz Master & Biz Wiz. (Platforms: Microbee/Amiga/Macintosh & Windows)

Current Programs - Crossword Wizard Creator V6 (XOJO Design Award Winner), Crossword Wizard Player V7, BizWiz and Cargo Australia educational games plus our new suite of Mobile Apps.


Rush Software

A number of programs are now available in